Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Beyond the Stilts of Glass

Was looking through some of my old writings,
this remains one of my favorite few.

Beyond the stilts of glass

And she stays in this little glass room, overlooking the world. A carefully structured piece of architecture that would even pales those of the greatest craftsmen ever known. So beautifully made that the idea it was a prison is disregarded.

In all those times she had been in there, it was a little haven that sheltered her from what would be the evils of the world that would otherwise taint her. While in there, she saw for herself, the world’s revolution in the manner none could tell but the world itself. People became her subjects for observation but all were like candles which fail to ever stand tall as time presses on and have the subject break down before her very eyes. Their light briefly shone for the short moment as they started sinking.

So many subjects, so many lifetimes, it was just getting boring. Safe as she was behind the panels of glass, she still envies those whom she studied despite having known what lies at the end of their road. Though their lifespan last no more seven decades after which they would be at the almost to be gone, during those moments, it is their light that helped to lit up those of others. Like a last moment of effort just before they will be extinguished.

This man was doomed to die, as though he was merely a flicking flame, struggling against the blowing wind. She watches him, expecting the end of another subject, one that would be ended prematurely. He struggles, and every single time it gets threatened into extinguishing, its radiance flares in response.

She watches and has her patience tested as she waits in seeing another end. The end was approaching but never arrived as the man struggles. For once, she wanted so much to extinguish that very flame by her own hands but only the glass panels stands between. Those would be enough to stop that thought from happening but it would occur to her that it is the other side of her wishing to see that flame shine amidst the challenges.

Summary:|MA| a week |ZE|

The louder the clock begins to tick,
with each passing of the second.
Getting noisy like a vessel,
as it gets more emptied.

If we reap what we sow,
i wish it applies the same
for joy much less sorrow,
as i look to the harvest of tomorrow.

Lost for thoughts.
When i get to realized,
i have just forgot
what i intend to jot.

Why again does it happen?
To bear witness
to a team to be broken.
Indeed i am sadden.

Dilemma the word to describe
as i feel torn between choices
that makes me feel divide.
Through a maze it feels alike.

As i comment on the cake
to either keep or eat
i see myself facing the same fate
of wanting both of it.

Running back to comfort
staying away from the unknown.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's Natural and/or Scene Outside this Window

The sun, the clouds, the rain, the sun is probably the only thing that comes around here so far. And thus, my writing has been very much been in tune with the topic about my life with them around me.

Like right now, the sky outside is especially gloomy, with lighting and thunder makes it presence, and a very strong one too. Just out on the distance, a lone tree stands, swayed by the very wind that is accompanying the storm's rampage and entry into this compound. Flashes of light blind me in milliseconds, now and then. The walls and window has prevent me from hearing anything on the outside while offering me a safe zone to see what is going on.

This is just one of those louder days.

Well... You can just imagine the serenity that lies in abundance on the more 'usual' days.

Tough to believe sometimes how a year have passed, right before our eyes as we worked ourselves towards the end of each day. This scene that is right before me has been before me for such a long time. Not that i am weary, i am still amazed that all of it that envelopes me still awes me like the first time.

Ok. Maybe now i'm hearing the raindrops doing tap dancing on the roof that covers this room. Ask me why i can be so fascinate by these simple scenes and probably i would account it to the reach of urbanization slowly creeping in. Hardly a place we can find that is left untouched. Everywhere you go, you'll see people and buildings; the giant footsteps we left in the wake of our path.

There is a certain sense of wonder and charm in nature. A simplicity that lays behind a web of complexity and mystery. Call me oxymoronic but i'll still say it.

Indeed this is nature, the beauty of it, i'll dare say, is undisputed.

12 November, 6:30am


Seems like i've been writing a lot about mornings.
Especially when i'm in camp.
Due to my early schedule of waking at 5:30am daily perhaps.
Something worth a look and brings a great feeling to the day.



Morning sight,
before day break.
A pattern formed,
across the sky.
Not to the horizon yet,
that is.
Wearing shades of blue
and various grey.
Into a collage,
gentle and calm.
Hiding behind is the rising sun,
inching its as the clock ticks by.
Ember skies are not far off,
with its crimson and golden glow.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Distorted World and.. A Hero

From quite a while ago,
completed portions from here and there
with my muse a cat and mouse game.

When the world starts coming
all on you
at one shot..

It caught me breathless,
not a moment I could call

Things seem wrong
like a distorted world,
nothing making sense.

Sinking into despair,
trying hard
running to where the path ends.

Shoulders felt heavy
weighing my body down
with an unbearable sting.

Numbness beings to fill
my limbs and now reaching
for my head.

Am I giving up
or am i tasting
a sense of defeat?

Desperate times calls
for desperate measures.
But how does it measure this time?

To be a person strong
against overwhelming odds,
unwavering, unfaltering.

Look around,
have the world becoming
unlike any you've known before.

What you fight for becomes the past
as all that is familiar becomes
ashes and dust.

Do you lose meaning all at one go
or have it slipping from you
like a river's flow.

It tough to play the hero
when everyone is looking for one
much less talk about being your own.

We look so much to having others light our way.
Did we even realize that
we'll be our greatest guide one day.

This torn world inside cries out loud
calls for some faith
and a hero for help.

Lost the actual feeling
that got me started
tracing it back to complete it all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dreams: Closer

I've been dreaming of strange things.
Thing that would have been seen as normal,
but presented in a manner of usual fashion.

Receiving a note from an overseas friend,
a note of his death and with it,
are words he would have said.
A collection of thoughts and regards
to his friends which he would have wished
to say in person himself.
Never been listed as one
who would give much concern about others,
this time what he left were
heartfelt comments for his friends,
those who are close but far away.
Honestly could it be that
i've lost a few friends this year
that made me wonder whether
death is coming near.
And that its upon facing death
that people would really speak their mind.

Another dream that appeared
brought me to the space beneath my bed.
Amidst the dust i found
a pair of torn socks even i forgot.
A message i saw within,
about the past and where i have been.
Where i lost a certain part of me,
trapped in lost time and uncertainty,
waiting for me to find it again,
that i knew as another broken me.
What i am searching for could be just near,
needless of me to seek high and low.
Or is it about my losing sight,
of what seems to be the obvious?

Along was something far from a dream,
a bit of magic i felt tingling
reminding, rekindling the feeling
that have been lost unknowingly.
At an instance i understood what it all meant,
the search i was on without a single trace.
A hunt without any idea
what is the prey.
All i know is that it would fill a gap,
that lies in my heart,
making me feel hollow-ed out.

Looking for satisfaction is half the story.
In fact it is about acquiring this sensation
with a team i can count on,
and then moving on
to beyond anything we know of.
But being so warded against new faces,
too defensive for my own good in fact.
That any hope of having anyone closer
seem like impossible.
Even if its not about companions,
i still need a shoulder,
a person who would stand through tough times
alongside with me.
Provided i can get through
the knot that is in me.

A series of reminders.
Now i think i'm more connected with the world than i knew i was,
in a way perhaps.
Or a sign that i'm opening up to myself.