Monday, May 25, 2009

End of the Path

Tonight became the night
I felt sorry.

Feeling bad for things
and who i have become.

Maybe I started to understand,
what it means to feel.

To be human,
to delve in life.

Hit the road,
make a run.

Stop and see,
where you can be.

Follow the turn,
into the unknown plains.

Not holding back,
just reach out.

The world is at your feet,
closer than anything else.

Be courageous,
take that step out.

There is so much,
yet to be found.

One day we'll pronounce ourselves
champions of life.

That's the plan,
that's the bend.

The wheel's in my hand,
for me to steer.

The miles we've crossed,
are hard, long and wild.

Perhaps we did unjust,
but tonight we own up to all that.

For tomorrow,
we start anew.

Going ahead,
and let not the past drag you behind.

Let's go.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

From the Black Book: House

The night is quiet
in my house for once.
Cold air still rushes around
bring chill to my feet.
Leaving me a feeling
of impending sickness.
Which would later be dismiss
as the child of paranoia.
Broke the silence with music
from my player.
Back to the norm
for the past week.
Where the melody around
were that of piano keys.
Black and white together
forming a tune.
Enjoy the guitars,
drum and vocals tonight.
But damn,
think i'm missing the piano already.

From the Black Book: Music

Familiar strumming from the guitar
and the vocals
coming from my speakers
sparked off a memory
of a short while ago,
where i was lying
on an operation theater
awaiting for a cut
as the cure to my pain.
It was all drowsy
with all i remember
i lost my consciousness
with the jab.
And the last i heard
was the music
before i counted to three
and feel asleep.

From the Black Book: Red

Recalling in my mind,
how it looked back then.
The buildings were all
given a new coat.
The ember light flowed down
like water from a stream,
submerging all that it its path.

The sun is hidden from my sight
behind another structure
not so far away.

Its all structures here
with some in betweens.
The buildings of mortar
stands strong against weather
but the rays of ember
still seep through them.
unlike the clouds
that are still on the stroll
across the crimson sky.

From the Black Book: Chill and Dark

The lights all went out.
All was dark.
Save for the only illumination
that was beyond the window.
It was all there,
along with the wind.
That we hear,
whistling into the hall.
It had been roaring,
through the afternoon.
With its might,
nearly threw my whole house,
into a mess.
But lucky
it was only the papers
residing on the sofa
that flew around,
across the multi-colored floor.
Strong it was,
chill to the touch.
That my skin proof,
too thin before its presence.
Any sign of heat,
from the afternoon sun,
has just been kept away,
without a trace.

From the Black Book: Unwanted, Jumbled thoughts

This is worse than
unrequited love.
You reject the one
who wants you.
Going for the one,
who you want.
But they turn out to be the one
who don't want you.
Pointing you to another direction
and walking off.
This is going so confusing,
i'll just say it over
without it complicating.

They want me,
i don't want them,
yet i can't leave them.

I want to be back home
but my home does not want me
and tells me to go back
from where i came.

It's a simple three way relationship
that calls for a tragedy.
Maybe that's why
they both start with a 't'.

If the young shouldn't play
then why should the old.
If neither should,
who should.

Maybe one thing that i would regret
is allowing times to slip by.
That until now am i really
catching back all that is lost.

Realise why i would
do much for friends.
Because i have little
and i treasure the ones i have.

Its exceptionally cold today,
not from the weather,
just because i saw for myself
how alone i am.

We are all bound
for the path
of self destruction.
Right? No? I wun know.

When you create destruction,
part of you goes with it too.
When you get hurt,
someone feels the pain too.
Its a chain reaction.
Six degrees of separation?
Let's set it off.

From the Black Book: Afraid

Flipping through my little black book, looking at entries i wrote while away from the computer and net access some time ago. Time to add them here, where they will be with our writings.
Some are dated, some ain't, but doesn't really matter, does it?


Maybe i am afraid,
afraid of being something too big
that i'll lose myself,
the core of my existence.

Maybe i am afraid,
afraid of being the weak
and that i have to
face the strong.

Maybe i am afraid,
afraid of failing
and the pain i foresee
to be brought upon me.

Maybe i am afraid
afraid of losing myself
to something great
and parting from you.

I am. Rather afraid.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


somebody just gotta do it,
even if,
nobody wants to do it,
it has to be done.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Single Ticket

Taken a dislike to catching movie alone,
breaking a habit i had long ago.
Where the late sunday morning was spent
in the middle of the cinema
Grabbing my sandwich and drink,
breakfast by the screen.

Looking at motion,
and listening to sounds
across the scenes,
at near a two hour or so,
before making a stand,
head towards the exit.

There's no what come after,
things had reach a halt.
With some fragments still in your head,
making sense of the reminiscence.
End up taking to oneself,
making up a conversation,
on a two sided speech,
with a one way channel.

Wouldn't it have been nice
to have someone to talk to about,
the motion picture,
that was just screened.
Whether its good
or its just plain bad,
the likable portion
and the distasteful one.

Catching the movie alone,
makes you realize,
the experience is so small
for it only belongs to you.
It it was enjoyable,
we can look forward to the next.
And start checking
on the papers and the web.

Catching the movie alone,
is a one dimension experience,
if you were around,
could have been more interesting,
with an additional view,
comment to add
or the grasp of breath
and the chuckle of laughter
which makes the show
more alive.

Would have been better,
if i was not alone.