Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Way. Lost.

Sometimes you feel lost,
tired, don't know where to go,
like the lights been turned out,
running in circles in a round about.

Sight getting dimmer,
temperature going lower,
even the feeling of failure
also got intensified further.

Just keep heading on,
the walk seems ever long,
and to where you wonder,
despite telling yourself it doesn't matter.

Maybe you'll find a way,
soon or perhaps taking days,
but if you can't find yours
no one could bring you out from lost.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Start keying in words,
new contents,
replacing the blank.

What was once written,
now replaced by
things totally unlike.

Like a castle after siege,
intruders rushing in,
claiming the treasures within.

So what's left of the denizens
after the conquest
now the occupation has come to a rest.

Hidden away,
or probably whatever took place
would need them seeking solace.

Now all that newly written,
the ink with its traces
left to the successors.

But what used to stand before
and almost lost
now faces a new reform.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

let it burn

The smoke,
the smell
so clearly in sight.

Yet all passerby does
is avoid and move away
from plain sight.

Those already there
choose to be oblivious
to that flame in the bin.

Let it burn,
let it burn,
let it continue burn.

Carry on with your lives
so long its not your possessions
caught in the fire.

Who knows what else
the flame will consume
to appease a growing hunger.

Once its too big
and far from contained,
it will really take its fill.

Let it burn,

let it burn,
let it continue burn.

Insanity by Solitude

These walls,
white with a unreal ceiling,
was quiet,
save for
the ventilation of the room
and my body system.

The chair,
with wheels and cushioned backing,
i am,
thankful for
the comfort provided that is
much needed for some thoughts.

The clock,
with three hands moving non stop,
it goes,
tick tock
upon which i stare at
hoping for some enlightenment.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I feel comfy when I'm with her,
the feeling that someone
understands and cares,
maybe more than i do.

The one who brings the smiles,
shows that lonely is not at all
what i look for
and that i have the capacity for one more.

Knows me like a friend,
adores me more than one,
and my companion for
the long walks and more to come.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Seer

It might take a seer
to see past
what is before our eyes,
and awaiting to happen.

That is affected
by our decisions,
and hopefully,
all is not pre-determined.

actions and decisions
would have been
all in vain.

Extra pair of gloves,
checking the blind spot,
another round of check
with a trip to the to-do list.

Precautions we might take
to avoid the pitfalls
hidden right before us,
escaping potential tragic story.

The best choice
can only prove its worth,
at the very ending
to the person having the last laugh.

So can we hasten
the scenario a little bit
even for a tiny weeny bit will do,
and spare me the agony of waiting.

Would someone,
get me a seer?


Certain things
still hold a certain sense
of uncertainty
until it can be made certain.

Who knows

Who knows
what tomorrow holds,
despite all that you can plan.

Who knows
where the wind will blow
despite what the weatherman may say.

Who knows
when chances will come knocking
despite everything is under your constant gaze.

Who knows
how the ending will be
despite you being the pen and author.

I don't. Do you?