Saturday, August 28, 2010

Story of a Rock

What does it mean to love.

The word they speak of it
all the single time.
Here a single man seeks
to find it and understand.

He can shed no tear
the last had nearly dried
since the witness of
a kin on deathbed.

Wants to be strong,
like a pillar of stone,
so threw away everything,
made himself a rock.

Nothing could pierce through
that hard solid shell.
Nothing could bother what's under
that hard solid shell.

One day he felt
like he never did before.
What exactly was it.
He had no idea at all.

Everything he entrust
to crusted protection.
That he no longer knew
what is call feel.

Did this new feeling affect him?
Not on the shell it seems.
Then what exactly was it?
Much deeper it seems.

It was a seedling,
one that found a path
through a crack
in that hard solid shell.

Growing and stretching its roots,
binding onto him,
now its part of the rock,
as the rock is part of the seedling.

The feeling made him
want to pull it out,
but yet he wants to
be the source of that new growth.

Day by day it went,
the seedling just grew
and this moment,
the rock came to know,

the thing he's been looking for.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I'm tired.
Really tired.
The whole plan was suicidal.
But who really saw it coming.

Lose the battle,
lose the war,
is there no land
we can stake a claim on?

Pressurizing grip
like a constrictor
caught on you.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nearly a Scottish Play

Double, double toil
and trouble.
For this season,
even the witches' potion
will not compare
to this defiled moment.

Even what was forged
through the ages
shall now be denounced
and burnt to ashes.
All that remains,
are that of anger.

Betrayal was injustice,
the culprit thus face
the branding of his name
with irremovable taint.
Now a call to fairness,
but none will pay heed.

All words that come
go down the corridors
where even echoes
shall lose their way.
And the people who hear
shall cease to remember.

As the pigeon will see
that here we do not have
a thane who murdered
out of greed and ambition.
Just a man who step
on one tale too many.

No prophecy around here,
lest one dark and secret,
so whatever happens
to the thane and
his betrayal would only be
left for time to reveal.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A quiet night can get so comforting with songs in your head

The strumming coupled,
with the voice of my angel tonight.
I see her face not,
yet so much to her song I'm deeply caught.

Not gonna be like the fish,
caught in the fishing net.
Savoring each note,
making sure the tune cease to stop.

How a quiet night can get,
so comforting with songs in your head.
It ease you and calms,
relieve a day's worth of weighing load.

And fall into smoothing shade,
a private moment, a secret date.
Before it reaches an end,
enjoy the song.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

To Purge the Source

Its vicious,
malicious in nature.
Extending its claws
leaving no stone unturned.

It spares nothing in its path,
particularly to the core and central.
What strong presence
with such unkind intent.

Leaving me worse that dead,
the torment comes slowly.
I try to make an escape,
but sees no path ahead.

Even if I'm still hold a last breathe,
the fighting spirit could be extinguished.
Burnt off into thin air,
blown to traces of nothingness.

Yet its more like a poison,
that slowly eats you from within.
Reaching to each and every vein,
and leaves its taint uncleaned.

Making you its home,
there is no running away.
And how much you wish you could
go deep in and pull grab it all out.

But this venom has finally,
meet its nemesis.
Saving me,
my salvation from torment.

Alas somehow,
responded, my call for hope.
Once again re energized,
I know I'm cured.

How long would it last,
before it makes past this moment.
And sneak in
for another attack.

Not again is it getting through,
for I'm more more ready this time.
Tracing to the souce
and removing it all.

Up to the Down

Up, up into the sky we go
till we were sent crashing
into the land far below.

Air like a jet quickly gushes in
floods all the senses
overwhelming all know feelings.

got redefined
in the moment of mid air.

Both space and time
transcend by the descend
and the afterthought that never leaves my mind.

Asphyxiation, overtaken
turned into muffled
by an invisible hand bent on silence.

My body continues feels the flight
though my feet firmly stands
upon refined sand and granite.