Sunday, October 23, 2011

where I wanna be

Running in the morning,
a date in the evening.

Off reading another book,
wanting to be amazed beyond text and title.

Ink down another poem,
expressing emotions and scenes that appear.

See the world through the glass,
steal it away for a memory keepsake.

Catch a show on screen,
attention on the film and the one beside me.

Be on bed,
without staring at ceilings as the clock strikes late.

Weekends to be filled,
where your heart longs to be and feels good.

That's where I wanna be.

Monday, October 10, 2011

the hard, harder and hardest

Back after a long day,
what's hard is not work
but having to deal with yourself today,
facing your inflicted failure
and the flaws that took you here.

The harder part is knowing,
that you cheated yourself
saying that you been away toiling,
while you seek out holes and hide
hoping to be out of sight.

The hardest comes when,
you can't deny that you would never
settle for just taking an average man,
despite clipping your wings
and tell yourself you can never soar free.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

This is casting random thoughts.

This is worse than bad today,
I need food to fuel my inners,
Curb its grumbles
And just to feel a little better.

Can someone fill my tank?
I'm almost all out
Like a doomed man
Left there hanging.

Couples sharing a moment
Lips to lips,
Parent and child together
Hand in hand.

Secret messages,
All in whispers,
The glimpse that was given,
Meant a thousand words.

Long for some contact,
Touch to the skin,
The air that surrounds
Makes me feel no heat.

Strike words to a friend today,
Guilty i should be,
To blame the bolt of negativity
That struck me so deep.

Now a convict off scot-free
Lament at his actions,
Spending his time wishing
All can be washed clean.

And ask me not to join in
The wilderness clan,
That direction hasn't been lost
Merely buried deep.

If there's one who's lost,
Then you are the one,
Seeking the presence of a body
To give you strength over the meek.

Tables around me
Full of chatter and smiles,
The seats by my side,
Lie empty and silent.

Was it consciousness
Or they got louder
Amplify the voices
From absent companions.

Gave in today
To a much lost craving
Of food that always seem
Much less deserving.

All in hope
That it will give
Some chance of joy
And lighten off this feeling.

Worked less than perfect,
Though it help raised
My hunger
From the state of poverty.

Music is drowning
Had i stopped listening
Like how i cease loving
The world i'm living.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good Morning Sunday

From the waking up
to the breakfast in the kitchen,
this is a sunday
I have never really knew.

On my favorite seat,
basking in sunshine flooding in.
Music from the headphones,
Makes everything seem so at east.

A peek into my drawer,
half open as a stand for my elbow,
I observed amidst the mess,
my red colored birthday card.

This corner of a one meter square,
a little sanctuary out of mess and chaos
where I am most at home,
while I am home.

Let this last a while more,
the sunshine through the window,
the ease that I am feeling
and the morning before time strikes twelve.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Locked Out

Armed with a key
but no entry.

Hours getting late,
I'm standing out here,
tired and reek of sweat.

Stood staring,
decided on leaving.

A walk down the pavement,
on the search for a spot
to rest and pass the hours.

Music over radio and cups of tea
makes hours bearable in minutes.

Survival on what little strength,
as my mental concentration dwindle
like battery of my computer and phone.

I'm done and wonder what I'm doing,
when the sun is up and those that follow after.

Does it end up a cycle,
seeing me in circles,
failing to find the end of the line.

Do not ask me to explain,
I'll fix it if there's a problem.

Its just not my style
and certainly not when I know
what is said will not matter.

Tearing off this roof tile by tile,
embrace the sun and weather.

I made what I have the necessities,
thrown out the missing stuffs entirely,
and what I got now is just a shelter.

This is not the way to lead a life,
gotta follow and trust your presume right.

Unfortunately this presume right,
are like reflections of your mirror,
sighted as left in your view.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Last Stand - Part 1

He maintain his stance,
Withstooding another strike,
But for how long more could he,
When you see his trembling limbs
And sore bloodied hands.

There was no intention
Of dropping his arms
But neither can he find strength
To make another swing of the sword,
Blunt and rusted to the hilt.

His limbs cry to him
And his mind wavering,
Facing the thought of defeat,
With each weakening breathe
Doused by the scorching wind.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

good post.bad.

I could so much hate
the days I get
a much better writing
on my desk.

That the better post
are often companions
of gloom
and bad days.

Consider it
to dark,
brooding hours.

Lest they turn around
and decide
to stay awhile
longer than you wanted.

So long the poet stays
sane with chiseled words
you can wonder
whether he is doing good.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Me and Cloud

Droplets from the rain cloud,
Yet to form a storm.
Treasury of greenery,
I'm looking at trees to be.
Gushes from the air,
Cold to the touch.
That is the day,
At half of the night

Lost Poem

I don't have a poem this time.
It's just me,
And a heart full of words,
Mind filled with thoughts
Of her.

The constant ache
That rings a bit too late
Bringing myself to reminder
How much I want to
Let her know how much i love her.

Where is my Juliet.
The one that is bounded
By her house and name
And by my words
She went away.

I do not see her
But i still feel her pain
Teary red and swollen eyes
And it is by my name
They came to be.

The logical mind
Does not match with
Emotional thoughts
Like how we were presumed
As a bleak stricken union.

Abrupt Stop

It came
To an abrupt stop.
No more
Humming of the engine.
Or whatever
Internal mechanics it consists.
Snatched some
Attention of the commuters.
Turn around
Made no sense of the situation.
Jerk on
And its back to normal.
Let's say
The escalator wants a holiday too.


Why is the sun so bright today?
Have i woken past the hour
And no one's here to wake me.
Perhaps the lack to need to
Might grant me some space,
A personal sanctuary in sight.

Mind ponders back and forth
Slightly right
With a bit more to the left
And hypothes the due reason
Was a sign of unimportance
Sadly speaking,
The mind was more than
Half convince.

More than 24

Wish for that additional 24 hours
Or a day if you would call it
in today our week of 7
So that we could
Have just that time
To complete what isn't

Second thoughts kick in
Of time being universal
And everyone will see
Their extended week
And what difference
Would that make

When it means its
An additional day
for work to jump on you
For people to make
That one request
Making your work essentially
... neverending

If only
That 24hours
Was for you solely.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Body in distress

Chillness in my lumbs,
Aching on my back,
Drowsy in my head,
And no heat to be sensed.

Stack up the blankets,
I could only feel fabric weight.
Drop my eyelids,
Spirit taking a retreat.

A half conscious man,
Onward on this words,
Seeking some verses
That tells of the moment.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Moment

I am using anesthesia,
using music to numb my senses
to lose myself
before i resign to overbearing forces.

Let me find peace,
amidst them
while i am like a stranger
in a city i have yet to meet.

A runaway,
pursued by many,
trouble by the struggle,
trying to make ends meet.

Where am i
where am i really?
Have i really lost myself?
My desperate act of escape...