Saturday, May 31, 2008


A day spent,
working away,
my body feels,
the call of fatigue,
inching into every part
of my limbs and joints,
slowly it creeps,
to that of my soul,
alas i can't help,
but to seek some rest.

Despite having all the possible enjoyments that can be found all around,
it seems that the cure to fatigue and exhaustion is nothing but a call for some rest,
perhaps somethings just have the solution lying in the simplest of stuffs.

All i crave now is my bed and time away,
from the conscious and the awake,
a chance for me to be 'out of my mind'

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Black Light Bulb

Ever seen one before?

Here's how it looks like:

To me,
the black light bulb,
represents a soul,
ever shining,
despite being overwhelmed,
by darkness all around,
bringing to the world,
a different kind of light,
illuminating up the world,
in a manner of its own.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wasting Life

If there was anyone, anywhere talking about wasting life away,
I'll show them an example:


Living without giving your best is as good as wasting it away.

Haven you ever think how things could have turn out if for every single thing,
you would just put in that little bit more,
even if it was just another 1% of effort?

It could have turned out better.

No one can ensure that,
but it sure beats doing nothing.

Experiencing the moment fully,
embracing what comes your way,
truly living,
without your heart swaying.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Human Kaleidoscope

What makes the world spectacular could lie in the endless possibility of perspective that different people can offer.

Every new point of view, every new combi shows the path to an entirely different way of thought. Just what you can see in a kaleidoscope, every rotation results in yet another newly discovered pattern.

However different people can be, its the real differences that draws people together.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Mechanism

This would sound selfish and inhuman.
But here goes:

Did natural disasters occur as part of nature's plan?

If humans were to be the greatest problem for earth,
being the one who tries to interfere with nature,
changes the environment to suit their needs,
and becomes the destructor and pollutants.

Is mother nature considering them to be the source of her stress?

And thus creating nature disasters that tries to eliminate or reduce the source as a self preserving mechanism?

Its not pure coincidence, or is it?

Memory Gaps

I've felt like i'm losing memory,
leaving gaps in between where i no longer know what happens.
Like an empty entry where only the date is left.

If one day i forget about myself too,
would you help me remember me?

Imagine if this was like a beginning to a syndrome,
where you memories gets erased every 25years.

Would that be sad?
Or would it be nice,
if you had things you never want to remember.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Messengers

They came,
Carrying the messages of love,
Bringing the news of joy and
Sharing the fun all around

I'm touched not by angels,
but by the many messengers that crossed my life,
each with messages of love, joy and fun.


Friday, May 16, 2008

Mum's Cooking

Eating at home has now become some that takes place probably only twice a week, seems enough to make it look insignificant.
But while having my mum's cooking for lunch today, realize something:

i finished my lunch in an instant.

Its like 'Wow', who the heck actually bothers to get concerned with something like that?'

'Yeah, who would?'

'I did.'

i have never ever in camp or outside, finished my meal in such an instant. Was it the subconscious side of me grabbing that every single chance to enjoy this home-cooked meal? Possible.
After all, its cooking that has been tasted since young, nothing ever more familiar.

However simple the dishes, that is where it is closest to heart.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Six Degrees of Separation

"Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person he or she knows and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people he or she knows, then everyone is an average of six "steps" away from each person on Earth."

This is going to be like the two sides to an arguement.
While technology have brought the world closer together, the theory of the six degrees have probably been proven right.
But have the distance between people shrunk as well?

Technology one hand could have provided easier way for people to get to one another in terms of ability to communicate without having to be present physically in a meeting place. But considering that more than 90% of human communication lies in non-verbal commnication, isn't technology bringing down communication between people to a less effective level?

The Parallel World

Here's something that i gotta say has slight influences from what i've been reading and stuffs along that line.

With natural calamitites happening around us in such recent times, it does occur to us that this world that we are living in right now is currently experiencing its deepest level of stress so far and that its releasing all of that stress in the manner of more-than-unnatural weather.

If let's say the world would throw out all its stress in a parallel world so it does not reach the actual one we are in to cause destruction. But seems like the stress that is being dealt out right now is probably too much for this parallel world to experience and its over flowing to where we are right now.

The path to self destruction, as once mentioned, is that where this orbit could be heading?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


deleted all my previous post on testings and stuffs,
gonna start anew.

throwing in my thoughts, dreams, words,
i'm somewhat trying to make an archive of myself it seems.

what lies in the road ahead, we have to travel to find out.