Saturday, September 25, 2010

The same music

Back to the same melody,
the exact notes,
rhythm and beat
which stay close to my ears.

But one thing has changed,
in less than twenty four,
revolution of the hand
across the clock on my wall.

The manner I now feel
to the melody now differs.
Becoming a song
that calls out so strongly to me.

It tells me lovely stories
that I would call mine,
and reminder of appreciation,
to a person very special.

Dancers on a Black and White World

Maybe miracles do happen.
Because that's when the heart takes over
and something beautiful is born.

A pair of dancers
on a black and white world.
They are themselves,
and the world is plainly the world.
No worrying about what is around,
all dedicated to their dance.

The dance that says they are sad,
the same dance that sings their joy,
the dance that talked about
each and every single moment of their life.
They lived in those moments
and the dance that would take flight.

Once a while
there's only one of them left.
While it does not stop,
things seem much slower
and it feel not so happy
all of a sudden.

The world might be black and white,
deprived of colors,
its still up to the two
to decide how to put what they have together.
Whether its full of glee or not so happy,
this is where they tell their story.

I spend this wee hours reading,
about people around me,
their individual stories
of themselves,
and the people they love so deep.

The piano piece
that accompanies me tonight
certainly served its purpose right,
to pluck at my heartstrings
and make me write.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Polished Slipper

Ain't all glamorous with a brand,
i'm the person with two sides of me,
and follow you to wherever you'll be.

I'm that pair of slipper,
...that'll you go everwhere in,
for i'm simple to start with.

Just like i'm not the first,
and not the last either,
when i'm considered worn out.

The moment of rejoice was short-lived,
I should have at then,
revel in it while I still could.

All things gotta go someday,
why is it this time and me
who'll be marking down this date.

Our story started with two,
now it ends for me alone
but your story still carries on with two.

Monday, September 6, 2010

hopes. Build.

A house by the sea,
how is that?
Or you prefer one
that overlooks the greens.
I guess that's for me,
very much nature, away from city.

Of stone or brick,
that I shall make.
The shelter that house you,
and our home it shall be.
These hands will toil,
to provide what you may need.

Thousands of sunset,
uncountable of nights.
Days and years,
passing by.
Witnessing the story,
of you and I.

Till now,
it can only be a dream.
Saving for the magical touch,
to make it reality.
Saving for that the special one,
to set these hopes free.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Making changes are tough.
It’s an unknown zone.
Out of your comfort zone.
But I want to make changes.
For the better.
Not wanting to be stuck here anymore.

Outdo myself,
be a better man.
without fail.