Tuesday, December 1, 2009

dream. hall. bat. dog.

walked into my hall,
all was dark,
a shadow floating around
in mid-air.

instincts tell me
its not mere shadow,
and before me,
was a bat.

it lurk in the hall,
not sure whether
my presence has startled it
one bit at all.

Nothing follows
beyond the seconds of meeting,
until it came,
upon me striking.

Can't recall how i felt,
in that instance.
was i terrified?
or no?

it cling on to me,
right on my back.
it just clings on,
clings on.

i notice a dog,
steps from where i stood.
looking at it,
as its eyes were back at me.

it moved,
and jumped,
onto my arm,
and held on there.

so i was having
a bat,
and a dog,
stuck on me.

whatever follows,
i only know of,
the bed i'm on,
and not in the hall.

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