Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Seer

It might take a seer
to see past
what is before our eyes,
and awaiting to happen.

That is affected
by our decisions,
and hopefully,
all is not pre-determined.

actions and decisions
would have been
all in vain.

Extra pair of gloves,
checking the blind spot,
another round of check
with a trip to the to-do list.

Precautions we might take
to avoid the pitfalls
hidden right before us,
escaping potential tragic story.

The best choice
can only prove its worth,
at the very ending
to the person having the last laugh.

So can we hasten
the scenario a little bit
even for a tiny weeny bit will do,
and spare me the agony of waiting.

Would someone,
get me a seer?

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