Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just If?

What if the idea that we are in a simulated world was real?
Just like the matrix of some sort.

Seriously think about it...

I just had a most amazing yet scary dream recently. Dreams tells us a lot of things i feel so i'm taking this pretty seriously. In some sense, or whatever is left.

I dreamt that i was in a dream.
And in that dream i was trying to wake up from a dream.

Sounds nuts to have things like dream within a dream but it just happened, somehow.

In this dream scene, i was trying desperately to wake upself up,
i could feel myself feeling for my limbs, moving them and trying hard to open my eyes.

Nothing responded,
and then i heard voices,
something or someone knew i was getting awake
and they're trying to get me out of consciousness again.

A painful struggle but i finally managed to get control and force myself awake.

Then again,
this was just like what i experienced a while back,
where i managed to regain consciousness where in my sleep.

So what if...
we all 'woke up' one day to find that it was a dream all along?

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