Monday, June 16, 2008


Often we would talk about facing death in life,
but sometimes its in death that we see glimpses of life...

Consider this like a summary or a walkthrough of the emotions and thoughts that has been with me for the past days.

Thoughts of disbelieve and denial was probably the first that struck,
feeling helpless as the whole story unfold right before your eyes,
knowing that control is impossible but a miracle is hoped for,
wishing that it was all a dream right from that phone call,
but somehow knowing that its a struggle to go through,
and its real, getting closer as the clock ticks.

Rationale has lost it way,
sanity searching for a path out.

To think that once i thought about a certain 'beauty in death',
now i'm facing the aftermath of its onslaught past.
A gathering long waited for,
a reunion long past its time,
at what expense did we pay to meet its due...

Tasting like regrets and lament alike,
what we attempt is like trying to heal a scar,
which rose from a blade of remorse that pierce our hearts,
was it a purely a reaction to ease the pain,
as we try to right a wrong...

Often in cases when death strucks,
it takes away more than just one life,
also the ones closest with that departed soul.
A gap left from the leaving which felt like,
the acts of a thief from the shadows,
beyond our grasp and even our world, perhaps.

Anyone will inevitably leave a part of themself,
with those who walk the journey of life with them.

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