Thursday, November 6, 2008

Distorted World and.. A Hero

From quite a while ago,
completed portions from here and there
with my muse a cat and mouse game.

When the world starts coming
all on you
at one shot..

It caught me breathless,
not a moment I could call

Things seem wrong
like a distorted world,
nothing making sense.

Sinking into despair,
trying hard
running to where the path ends.

Shoulders felt heavy
weighing my body down
with an unbearable sting.

Numbness beings to fill
my limbs and now reaching
for my head.

Am I giving up
or am i tasting
a sense of defeat?

Desperate times calls
for desperate measures.
But how does it measure this time?

To be a person strong
against overwhelming odds,
unwavering, unfaltering.

Look around,
have the world becoming
unlike any you've known before.

What you fight for becomes the past
as all that is familiar becomes
ashes and dust.

Do you lose meaning all at one go
or have it slipping from you
like a river's flow.

It tough to play the hero
when everyone is looking for one
much less talk about being your own.

We look so much to having others light our way.
Did we even realize that
we'll be our greatest guide one day.

This torn world inside cries out loud
calls for some faith
and a hero for help.

Lost the actual feeling
that got me started
tracing it back to complete it all.

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