Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Flood in My Head

i believe this entry is the result of two days of conversation.
And with a bit of influence from what i've been reading.

Been on the road for so long,
walking alone i am,
with people whom i can side along.

Friends that i call,
despite the gap that lies between,
they are support upon which i can fall.

Shall it be this time round,
seeking a companion in my journey,
the one who is yet to be found.

She ain't far, she is near,
am i to deny the prescence
that stands right before me so clear?

Tapping is my finger,
awaiting a sign to come knocking
before i decide to pull the trigger.

Choices run through my mind,
calculating risks and stakes involve,
am i to answer with a sigh?

There are losses and of cos gain
we try too hard to think too much
to avoid unnecessary pain.

Fearing fail and give no try?
take a look at the birds
when they learn to fly.

Observe with your keen sight,
take a closer look
before doing what you think is right.

Read the moves, interpret its meaning
you can only hope for
to see what you are wishing.

When all is right,
and time is ripe
i'll strike.

And more to come, details i probably won't recall here, for now that is.
And conclude,
I know I'm not alone as I felt I was.

If anyone were to ask again whether i blog for people to see.
I'll say yes. And no.
I write to express myself,
my blog serves as a bridge,
to bring my thoughts for those who read.

Still awaiting for The Distorted World and A(Its) Hero.

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