Friday, September 19, 2008


I'll say, let's imagine.

Just saw a mail from WAYN(Where are you now?), a social site to connect frequent travelers who are often around the world. I'm not a fan of social site, this i gotta admit but this little social site did give me some inspiration once in a while. And a little friendship which came about from an unexpected message.

And time to go on to the mail idea about what this 'inspiration' actually is for today. So they launch a 'WAYN Guru' program, something to do with getting interested people to be 'ambassadors' of their city. I think it sounds great, pretty fun idea in fact. So we'll see people who enjoys traveling, playing host to these visits from friends coming from foreign land. Not just an exchange of culture and idea, at least that's what i think.

So what if we do have a group of our own? A group of people who enjoy travels, backpacking, road-trip, what do we do with them? Rather, what can we do for them? More than ever, that's the key question.

Then i realize, i think the main jest of it lies in what do they do when they actually get together. I myself, is not a traveler, not that i don't like it, I'll account it towards the lack of a suitable time able and then the much temptation of staying down on my ground enjoying my time on games and hanging out with my usual circle of friends. I do look forward to a little adventure once in a while, and I'm serious about this statement i make.

Pretty short on ideas about how to keep this going, but i won't be going around searching for the solution yet. Cos time and time again I've been proved that things never appear for you when you are searching for it and appears only when you stop on it.

Thus comes another issue that bugs me for quite a while.

Film appreciation.

Cool term. Totally. Class. Undeniable.

So we do have regular movie screening and i do have doubts about conducting or creating something for film appreciation. As in how to gather them round, what to choose which would make sessions of film appreciation worthwhile coming.

Question again, 'If i something like that was to be organized, would i attend?'

Key point again. But where does the key lies this time?

Do i end up doing i wanna do or something for them? This does runs through my mind once in a while. But it just occur to me seconds ago that could be what they want be something i wanna do as well? Let's hope that's a life saving hope. And this should well enough justify for many many of the things that we are intending or going to do.
Not that i just want to conclude it here but the thread for my imagination runs thin, not a very creative person i am, my ink goes fading.

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